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Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG), APEC Privacy Framework (Nov. 2004) (full-text).


The "APEC Privacy Framework" promotes a flexible approach to information privacy protection across APEC member economies, while avoiding the creation of unnecessary barriers to information flows. The framework:

The nine principles in the APEC Privacy Framework are preventing harm, notice, collection limitations, uses of personal information, choice, integrity of personal information, security safeguards, access and correction, accountability. Businesses have developed a code of conduct based on these nine principles and will obtain third-party certification of their compliance. A network of privacy enforcement authorities from participating APEC economies, such as the FTC, will be able to take enforcement actions against companies that violate their commitments under the code of conduct.[1]


  1. See Press Release, FTC, "FTC Welcomes a New Privacy System for the Movement of Consumer Data Between the United States and Other Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region" (Nov. 14, 2011).[1]