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From February 1, 2005, the DG Information Society and Media (also known as the Information Society and Media Directorate General) was reorganized into two new Directorates and three new Units.

The renamed "Audiovisual, Media, Internet" Directorate incorporated the two units on audiovisual policy and the Media programme that were in a first step transferred from the Education and Culture Directorate General last in January 2005.

A new research directorate became the home for those research activities of the DG with very direct links to public services for citizens and businesses. This Directorate will have its own administration and finance unit.

The new "General Affairs" Directorate brought together the support services necessary for internal planning, co-ordination with other European Institutions, and the practical implementation of reform. This directorate also included a new unit dedicated to providing advice on legal issues, which was previously a part of the financial unit.

Within the "Component and Systems" Directorate, the Unit covering "ICT for Transport and Environment" was split into two separate units allowing each of these subjects to be treated separately.
