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Data is

a representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, computer software, computer programs or instructions. Data may be in any form, in storage media, or as stored in the memory of the computer or in transit or presented on a display device.[1]
[f]actual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions. In Computer Science, numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.[2]
[r]e-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing.[3]

Data is "[i]nert symbols, signs, descriptions, or measures; elements of information."[4]

European Union[]

Data is

traffic data and location data and the related data necessary to identify the subscriber or user.[5]


Data is "automated and manual data."[6]


Data is a

representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means. Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is or might be assigned.[7]

United Kingdom[]

Data means

information which —

(a) is being processed by means of equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose,

(b) is recorded with the intention that it should be processed by means of such equipment,

(c) is recorded as part of a relevant filing system or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system,

(d) does not fall within paragraph (a), (b) or (c) but forms part of an accessible record as defined by section 68, or

(e) is recorded information held by a public authority and does not fall within any of paragraphs (a) to (d).[8]

United States[]

Data is

[r]ecorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. It does not include information incidental to contract administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.[9]


"Data can be processed by humans or by automatic means."[10]


  1. Cal. Penal C. §502.
  2. Office of Management and Budget, Coordination of Geographic Information and Related Spatial Data Activities OMB Circular No. A-16, App. D (Rev. Aug. 19, 2002) (full-text).
  3. Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems, at 8.
  4. Guide to Conducting Privacy Impact Assessments for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Entities, at 36.
  5. Data Retention Directive, art. 2a.
  6. Data Protection Act 2003 (Ireland).
  7. U.S. Department of Defense, Joint Pub. 1–02: DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Nov. 8, 2010, as amended through May 15, 2011) (full-text).
  8. U.K. Data Protection Acts, 1988 and 2003.
  9. FAR Clause 52.227-14.
  10. Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems, at 8.

See also[]
