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To embed means to including something inside of something else. For example, a small computer program can be embedded within a larger software package, or an RFID (radio frequency identification chip) can be embedded in a product.


To embed is "[t]he act of inserting content into a website or email."[1]


"Embedding allows a website coder to incorporate content, such as an image, that is located on a third-party's server, into the coder's website. When an individual visits a website that includes an 'embed code,' the user's internet browser is directed to retrieve the embedded content from the third-party server and display it on the website. As a result of this process, the user sees the embedded content on the website, even though the content is actually hosted on a third-party's server, rather than on the server that hosts the website."[2].

"Embedding' an image on a webpage is the act of a coder intentionally adding a specific 'embed' code to the HTML instructions that incorporates an image, hosted on a third-party server, onto a webpage. To embed an image, the coder or web designer would add an 'embed code' to the HTML instructions; this code directs the browser to the third-party server to retrieve the image. An embedded image will then hyperlink (that is, create a link from one place in a hypertext document to another in a different document) to the third-party website. The result: a seamlessly integrated webpage, a mix of text and images, although the underlying images may be hosted in varying locations. Most [[social medi]a sites—Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, for example—provide code that coders and web designers can easily copy in order to enable embedding on their own webpages.[3]


  1. Larry Clavette, Social Media and the Air Force 12 (Nov. 2009) (full-text).
  2. Sinclair v. Ziff Davis, LLC, 2020 WL 1847841, at *1 (S.D.N.Y. 2020) (citations omitted)
  3. Goldman v. Breitbart News Network, LLC, 302 F.Supp.3d 585, 587 (S.D.N.Y. 2018).