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NIST, Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing (NIST Special Publication 800-144) (Jan. 24, 2012) (full-text).[1]


The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of public cloud computing and the security and privacy challenges involved. The document discusses the threats, technology risks, and safeguards for public cloud environments, and provides the insight needed to make informed information technology decisions on their treatment.

The key guidelines include:

The intended audience for this publication includes the following categories of individuals:

The publication also provides a detailed list of Federal Information Processing Standards and NIST special publications that provide materials particularly relevant to cloud computing and are recommended to be used in conjunction with SP 800-144.


  1. "Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing" was first issued as a draft for public comment in February 2011. See Tech Beat, "Cloud Computing at NIST: Two New Draft Documents and a Wiki" (Feb. 2, 2011) (full-text).

See also[]
