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General Accounting Office, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Performance of Short-Range System Still in Question (GAO/NSIAD-94-65) (Dec. 15, 1993) (full-text).


Pursuant to a congressional request, the GAO evaluated the performance capability of the Short-Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

The GAO found that: (1) the short-range UAV has failed to meet the relay requirements that control the aircraft during long-range operations; (2) the system has failed to meet the time standards for supporting artillery operations and transportability requirements; (3) the system's mechanical reliability is questionable; (4) the Department of Defense (DOD) has not evaluated UAV survivability or adequately tested the system's electromagnetic compatibility; (5) DOD conducted preproduction testing in an unrealistic environment and did not attempt to determine if the system could operate in a realistic hostile environment; (6) DOD has no assurance that military personnel will be able to maintain the UAV system; (7) DOD management of the UAV program is inconsistent with DOD policy for acquiring systems that meet user needs; and (8) DOD has approved low-rate production of UAV even though it has failed to meet established performance criteria.
