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Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council, Working Group 8 Internet Service Provider (ISP) Network Protection Practices Final Report (Dec. 2010) (full-text).


Working Group 8 of the Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) addressed the area of Internet Service Provider (ISP) Network Protection, with a focus on addressing "bots" and "botnets," which are serious and growing problems for end-users and ISP networks.

The Working Group examined potentially relevant existing Best Practices (BPs), and in consultation with industry and other experts in the field, identified additional Best Practices to address this growing problem. The Working Group identified 24 Best Practices to address protection for end-users as well as the network.

The Best Practices cover several areas including prevention, detection, notification and mitigation, and identified means to address externalities such as privacy concerns. The Best Practices identified are primarily for use by ISPs that provide service to consumer end-users on residential broadband networks but may apply to other end-users and networks as well.
